Wednesday, December 13, 2006

STONE.BLOOD. and laughter, for once.

Jane sat down in the plush seat of the office cubicle.
"My cosplay costume's not doneeee...." She whined to anyone who would hear.

Well, fine actually it is. kinda. Still in shambles but yeah. for the shoulder armour I had to freaking use my old rollerblading kneeguards. And know what? My mother and I had a lovely conversation. It kinda went like this:



"I can use my kneeguards."

"Oh! Yes! Hm okay so I will...//insert whole complicated process of how she's gonna buy cloth and sew it on//"

"No. I'm asking Goddess Reticent to do it for me."

"Huh? Ask Goddess Reticent to do what?"

"Spray paint it for me!!"

"Why spray paint? What colour? Why spraypaint?!"

"Well it's too small for me now don't you think, you got it for me when I was ten!"

"But, you see, one day I can fit into it and maybe learn roller-blading!"

"WHATT?!?!!" *clutches left ventricle, has a nosebleed due to the sudden pressure and faints*

"So yes don't ask Goddess Reticent to spraypaint, if you must I'll go and buy the black cloth tomorrow, then try to pass it to you, then you can ask her to sew it during your meeting."

I, Jane, hadn't the heart to tell her that Goddess Reticent (Goddess Almighty And Watching she may be) can't sew to save her life. hah.

Who knows what she might have said? God.

If it helps, Goddess Reticent, I'm an assassin and I can't sew too!! *waves hand in air enthusiastically and skips across the desert sands* Hence probably why I need so much bandage and my skirt's all torn and tattered--I can't hem. (Fearsome Discipline Mistress take note.)


actually, to be frank...i haven't even bought the bandage for the torso. ehheh.

Well it isn't really my fault too, you know!! Yesterday Goddess Reticent and I left Zexion, Ichigo (in their full costumes of male monk and Sohee respectively) and Dale (in plain clothes--she took off her costume earlier) on the esplanade rooftop and trekked in the drizzle to marina square IN OUR FULL COSTUMES. Fine Goddess Reticent's was a full thingie, minus her sword only cause it's kinda...erm, real, and including her LAYERSSS of cancan. But mine wasn't really done. We had deliberated on where to go-MS or Citylink mall? So after walking back and forth, we set off. To MS.

It was raining, wow.

And we walked into Watson's, (me getting alot of stares, I think people thought with my whole cloth covering face nose-down, I was a terrorist) hoping to find the coveted BANDAGES. But NO, watson's sold plasters, they sold cotton pads, but, no bandages.

"This is like item hunt in R.O." Goddess Reticent commented.

"Whatever that is." I replied, dying under the cloth due to a lack of fresh air. See? I don't even play the game that I'm cosplaying as. Tsk.

"Where you find items //blah blah blah squeak HONK boo I forgot what she said//."

"Oh." And just then we came to GUARDIAN, what a godsend.

//in guardian//

"How many meters is this...4. I think that'll do?"

"I think I'll get one more for you just in case." Goddess replied. So, fine, we went to pay.

"Are you alright??" Concerned salesgirl asks.

"Er...fine." We reply.

How...thoughtful. Guardian cashiers deserve an award for service, man.

After our rehearsals, we go to MS AGAIN for dinner at Han's. Zexion went crazy, she POURED salt liberally over her wedges AND dory fish. All this time, Zexion, Goddess Reticent and I were fangirling over L(awliet) and Raito Yagami (oops I typed Ratio.><) Then...
Zexion: I'm gonna get an icecream.
Goddess Reticent and I : O____O""" *whispers to one another*Didn't she say just now that she didn't wanna eat mac's cause she's on a diet?!??!
Goddess Reticent: I was just thinking that. SCOLD HER WHEN SHE COMES BACK!!!
//Zexion returns with CHOCOLATE (she's allergic to it) ice cream.
Goddess Reticent: Is that all you can say? I told you to scold your partner! Not just say "YOOOUU!"
Me: Uh. *thinks* --silent pause-- YOOOOUU!!!!!!!! @#$^W#^$ You're on a diet!!!!!! And it's three damn days to cosplay and you're gonna be ill, you're already ill!!!.... Now give that to me!
All 5 of us burst into laughter.
Later, when I got home, I discovered that the manufacturer of my precious bandages had ripped me off (just like Milkbottle got ripped off her 17++ dollars at gramophone.) Instead of 4 meters, the bandages were a DINKY 2 meters each. I didn't bother to stretch it and see if the "4 meters" implied when stretched, but, I felt ripped off. And my mother gave me a 15 second talk on expensive bandages. Good god. So now instead of having 8 meters of bandage to wrap around my torso, collar, and 2 calves, I can only wrap my calves.
God save me. *faints* I'm gonna die during cosplay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know, you look like an exact replica of the assasin brought to life. kudos